Big Mike XXXL

Who is Big Mike XXXL?

Big Mike is an honorably discharged Desert Storm Veteran and retired Ohio Corrections Officer. He’s a former TV program producer and, leveraging his videography and photography skills, ventured into the cyber world, creating adult websites. He transitioned to a Black Amateur Adult Webmaster in 2003 until retiring in 2017. Now, he shares his street recruitment experiences through his journal spanning over 10 years, with more to come.

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Have you ever wondered what it's like to go from having it all to having nothing? To face the consequences of your poor choices and learn from your mistakes? To survive the harsh realities of life on the streets and find your true self? If so, you should read "Cyber Trick Vol 1" by Michael Walton, a book about his life-changing journey.

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Big Mike · Half on a Baby Mix.